Bassinets vs. Cribs: Which is best for your baby's new sleep environment?

Bassinets vs. Cribs: Which is best for your baby's new sleep environment?

Putting together a baby register can be extremely exciting. It can also be a bit confusing as you decide what’s best for your baby. One of the most important registry items is a bassinet or crib – maybe both!  The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that newborns should sleep in the same room as their parents for the first six months. So where’s the best place for a baby to sleep during those first few months?

Bassinet vs. Crib

A decision needs to be made about what type of sleep space a newborn should have. Should new parents pick a bassinet or a crib?  Bassinets are the perfect choice for a newborn because it is smaller and ideal for room sharing. Later, as the baby grows (and moves to a bigger sleep area) a crib will be needed.

Bassinets for a Newborn

Bassinets are a popular choice for new parents who want to keep their baby close during the first few months. They are smaller and more compact than cribs, making them ideal for small spaces such as apartments or shared bedrooms. Bassinets can be placed next to the parents' bed, allowing for easy access during nighttime feedings or when soothing the baby back to sleep.

One of the biggest advantages of using a bassinet is that they are designed for newborns and infants, typically up to six months of age or until the baby begins to roll over or push up on their hands and knees. This means that the mattress is specifically designed to support the baby's small size, keeping them safe and comfortable as they sleep. Bassinets also provide a cozy and secure environment, which can help soothe fussy babies and promote better sleep.

However, it's important to note that bassinets have weight and size restrictions. They are designed for newborns, and as your baby grows and becomes more active, they will need a larger sleep space. It's important to follow the manufacturer's weight and size restrictions and transition to a crib when your baby outgrows their bassinet.

Arm’s Reach Clear-Vue™ CO-SLEEPER® Bassinet: A Popular Choice

A popular choice among new parents is the Arm’s Reach Clear-Vue™ Co-Sleeper®. As the name suggests, parents can see their baby at all times. It allows parents and their newborn to sleep comfortably next to each other. This bedside bassinet enables parents to reach over and draw the baby close for feeding, comforting and bonding. The innovative design has built in leg extensions to adjust to varying bed heights, and four castor wheels for easy mobility around the house.  This bassinet also has the convenience of a large attached storage basket. 

Benefits Of A Bassinet

When it comes to moving a bassinet from one room to another or traveling with it, portability is a key factor to consider. Many bassinets are designed with portability in mind, featuring lightweight frames and wheels that make it easy to move from one room to another. Some models even come with a carry bag, making it easy to take on the go. One example of a bassinet that’s great for travel is the Arm’s Reach Ideal Ezee™ 3 in 1 CO-SLEEPER®Bassinet which offers a bedside sleeper, free-standing bassinet and play yard all in one!

The Right Time To Use A Crib

When a baby outgrows their bassinet, it’s time for a crib, which is larger and more spacious than bassinets. They are designed to be used for several years and can accommodate a growing baby or toddler. Cribs provide a safe and comfortable sleep environment for a baby, with sturdy rails to prevent falls and a larger sleeping surface to accommodate your growing toddler.

Another benefit of using a crib is that they offer flexibility when it comes to design and features. Cribs come in a variety of styles and finishes, and many models offer additional features such as adjustable mattress heights or convertible designs that can be used as a toddler bed as your child grows.

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