Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I need leg extensions?
For a bed higher than 30”, the VERSATILE works. The CAMBRIA and CLEAR-VUE sleepers have built in leg extensions. For EZEE™ sleepers for beds higher than 24” you can purchase a leg extension kit here.
- How long can my child use the co-sleeper™ bassinet?
The bedside sleeper and the bassinet modes are for infants of up to approximately 5 months in age or when the child begins to push up on hands and knees, whichever occurs first.
For our 3 in 1 products, the play yard can be used until approximately age 1 1/2 to 2 years depending on the size and weight of child. Discontinue use of the product when child is able to climb out or reaches the height of 35 in. (890 mm.)
The product is durable and can be saved and used with any future additions to the family.
- The bars on my bassinet are not locking. What should I do?
If you have issues with set up, please make sure you have done the following:
1- BASSINET MUST RETURN TO READY MODE - Stand basinet up without expanding (make sure the middle near red strap is pulled up all the way) & make sure arms are completely collapsed by pressing on the hinges
2 - Grab both top short bars from anywhere but the center
3 - With a hard jerk, pull both bars upward and confirm that they locked
4 - Repeat the process with the two top long bars
5 - Put your hand through the hole (near the red strap) on the nest fabric and push down on the base of the bassinet until you feel it click
For more help on assembling our MINI and IDEAL bassinets click here
- I have a retired product. Do you still sell parts for it?
We continue to sell parts and accessories for many of our retired products.
If you are not sure which product you have, please consult the manufacturer’s sticker located on the leg of your co-sleeper.
To tell which unit you have, look at the 4 digit style number.
Does the 4 digit style number on the manufacturers sticker (located on the leg) start with any of the numbers below?
If it starts with 41**, it is a Mini
If it starts with 51** it is a Mini Curved
If it starts with 81** it is an Original
If it starts with 82** it is a Sleigh
If you need to order some replacement parts, please call our customer service line and have your model# and manufacture date handy.
Customer service hours are 7am - 4pm PST
Before using any of our old products, please make sure you have all of the parts.
You will need a liner, hanging bar set, mattress, sheet and strap & plate.
For a link to our retired accessories such as sheets, leg extensions and mattresses click here.
To see set up instructions and more information on retired products click here.